Friends of VHC
The Virginia Handbell Consort, a non-profit community handbell ensemble, is fortunate to own and transport all of its own equipment. Our program's growth is dependent on the generosity of corporate and individual donors from our community.
The focus of the VHC's Friends program is to support the purchase of new equipment and commission music that will expand our current repertoire and enhance the musical experience of our audiences. As we are a 501(c)(3) organization, all donations are tax deductible. VHC thanks you for your support of our ensemble.

2022 Donors
Gold Donors
[contributed more than $100]
Marie Blair
Jeanne F. Brody
Karen Dunn
Alice Eadie
Loran and Joyce Easter
Olaf Elton
Linda Ferguson
Kimberly Granger
Wayne Hicks
Johanna Keefe
Cindy Lewis
Charm Peterman
Alan and Lois Reese
Karen Simons
Silver Donors
[contributed up to $100]
Tina Allen
Doug Baker
Howard and Nancy Bird
Macy Coffey
Victoria Episcopo
Lynn Snyder
Lisa Turner
Corporate & Organizational
Many thanks for Corporate and Organizational Support to:
First Presbyterian Church, Hampton,VA for rehearsal and storage space
Ann Lloyd, CPA, Newport News, VA
Chimes, Bells,
and other Designated
VHC is deeply grateful to:
~ Kiwanis Club of Suburban Norfolk, for 2 octaves of additional Schulmerich bells
~ Friends and family of Rod Von Ohlson, for 5 1/2 octaves of Schulmerich Melody Chimes
~ Friends and family of Martha Mallory Thumm, for 3 octves of Petit and Fritzen bells
~ Friends and family of Joan Monroe, for additional Schulmerich treble bells
~ Marjorie Setnicky, for 1 octave of bass Melody Chimes
~ Ernie and Lynn Dash, for 3 octaves of Malmark Chimes and the F2 bell given in memory of Lenore Johnson, Lynn's grandmother
~ Wayne Hicks, for C3-F3 Chime Rack given in memory of his mother, Charlotte Ann Hicks
~ Friends and family of the late Jack Reese, father of Al Reese, for additional bass Malmark chimes
~ Tom and Maria L. Scalorn, for Eb Bass chime in memory of Vincente and Victoria Labrador
~ Cindy Lewis, for the fourth octave of Malmark chimes in memory of her mother, Audrey Salzman.
~Karen Simons, for the 5th Octave Add-On set of Malmark chimes given in honor of her parents Sidney and Glenys Scales and in memory of her granddaughter Delaney Walsh
Tammera Missel and her father Buzz Cooper-Buzz Cooper Memorial Fund
Joyce Easter- Equipment Travel Case funding
Alice Eadie- in honor of Mary Allsbrook
Loran and Joyce Easter-Bell Tree
Cindy Lewis- Music Stand Cart