VHC was the demonstration choir for the Area III Directors Seminar held
August 14-15, 2015 in Chesapeake, VA
We also played a 20 minutes concert at the close of the event.
Lois Reese and David Murphy participated in the Seminar with Lois being in the advance track and David in the beginner. They both were rock stars!

Our treble team!
Emily Moore, Debbie Robertson, Ann Morgan, Lynn Dash

Our battery and bass team!
Karen Simons, Cindy Lewis, Ann Ortman, Al Reese filling in,
Joyce Easter, and Dr Payn. Tammera Misel and Richard
Sayer cannot be seen in this photo.
VHC members for 2015-2016!
Back Row: Richard Sayer, Tammera Missel, Joyce Easter, Cindy Lewis, Donna Writesel, David Murphy, Debbie Robertson, Ann Morgan, Emily Moore, Wayne Hicks
Front Row: Rosalind Boyle, Lynn Dash, Director Al Reese, Lois Reese, Karen Simons

This bell was donated to VHC by several of our members. If you read our bio page, you will see that all of us started music in childhood, and like all people who begin their love of music early, we had moms and dads and grandparents that supported us. There were music lessons, instruments, and uniforms to be paid for, concerts to be attended and many miles of driving! This bell is given in honor and memory of all those who have supported our musical journeys!
March, 2015